What is the root cause of melasma?

Melasma in Islamabad is an easily recognizable skin disorder that appears as skin darkens and develops patches usually in the facial area. Most melasma sufferers find it an unpleasant condition even though there are no medical risks involved, as the skin discoloration is visible. So many people want to know What the root cause of melasma is. In this blog, we will discuss what causes melasma, as well as various tips to prevent or treat this skin disorder.

What is Melasma?

Brown or grayish patches form on the skin as a result of melasma, a type of skin lesion categorized under hyperpigmentation. In the face area, especially on the cheeks, forehead, nose, and upper lip, patches are commonly observed. It sometimes becomes prominent during the warmer months of the year, especially when people are under direct sunlight.

The Root Causes of Melasma:

Hormones, sunlight, and genes cause melasma.

Hormonal Changes:


Pregnant women often experience this condition, which is also known as the “mask of pregnancy.” The hormonal imbalance is the cause.

Birth Control Pills:

Women on hormone replacement therapies are particularly susceptible to melasma. These drugs can do this because they cause hormonal changes similar to those of pregnancy which can lead to hyperpigmentation in susceptible persons.

Sun Exposure:

UV Radiation:

 Ultraviolet radiation is an essential inducing factor and a triggering factor of melasma. Solar ultraviolet (UV) rays act on melanocytes and cause their activity to rise and, as a result, increase melanin production. 

Infrared and Visible Light:

Melasma may be attributed to certain types of light, such as visible light and infrared radiation emitted from the skin’s surface. Both of these forms of light reach deeper into the skin and stimulate melanin production even more.

Genetic Factors:

Family History:

The biggest factor that has been linked with the development of melasma is genetics. Melasma patients are prone to be hereditarian, in that, a family history of melasma highly predisposes one to the conditions. 

Other Contributing Factors:

  • Some types of cosmetics and skincare products can aggravate melasma especially if the skincare products cause skin inflammation.
  • Sensitive skin may react to chemicals, fragrances, or products that develop skin sensitivity to sunlight making hyperpigmentation worse.
  • High stress and thyroid disorders can also be a cause of melasma medicine.

While melasma can be challenging to treat, understanding its root causes allows for more effective management and prevention strategies:

Sun Protection:

  • The greatest and the most important act that must be taken is to protect yourself from the sunlight in case you have melasma.
  • Put on sunscreen with an SPF of not less than 30, daily, irrespective of the season or place. 
  • If you are in the sunshine for extended periods, you must re-apply this every two hours.
  • Another way by which you can reduce their exposure to the rays of the sun is by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and avoiding staying in the sun and where there is heat.

Hormonal Management:

If your hormonal medication is causing melasma, consult with your doctor to find out better solutions. 

Skincare Routine:

  • Only use mild skin care products without thinking that they will irritate your skin in one way or the other.
  • Select products that will bleach the particular area using agents like; niacinamide, vitamin C, and azelaic acid among others.

Final Thoughts:

Hormonal imbalances, the effects of ultraviolet radiation, and heredity cause melasma, a skin condition. Therefore, it is possible to discourage melasma and have a lighter skin tone and fewer skin discolorations if you cover your skin from the sun, balance hormonal disruptors, and exfoliate gently. If you think you are experiencing perseverance melasma then you can visit Dynamic Clinic located in F-7 Islamabad. Also, consult with our best Aesthetic Physician for the best outcome.