How does your face look after Dermapen in Islamabad?

Have you been for a Dermapen treatment within the last few days and are clueless about post-Dermapen treatment care? Dermapen is one of the most well-known treatments in microneedling, and it aims to treat the skin’s rough appearance and fine lines. It is essential to know it in order to achieve the projected outcomes and avoid complications during the postoperative period.

What is Dermapen?

It is an advanced type of microneedling equipment commonly known as Dermapen that helps to revitalize the skin. It has a device with fine needles that puncture the skin and cause minor inflammation. This process helps to build up the body’s natural healing process and collagen regeneration.

Some of the advantages of using Dermapen include lesser downtime, increased skin peeling, and a non-surgical treatment. It is beneficial for improving skin tone and elasticity, so it used in programs aimed at skin rehabilitation with low risk and discomfort.

Initial Reactions: What to Expect Right After Treatment:

Common Immediate Effects:

After Dermapen treatment, the skin may feel a bit sensitive, but this is usually immediately after the treatment. It is normal to feel the area slightly sensitive, such as a mild sunburn and slightly puffy. Such reactions are quite common as the skin begins the initial stages of the healing process. You may also experience some sensation of pins and needles or a mild drawstring feeling in the areas treated.

Short-Term Post-Treatment Appearance:

As early as the first few days of the treatment, the skin of the face manifests inflammation. These effects may last for only 2-3 days on average or go unnoticed by the patient at all. The skin may also be scaly or feel like sandpaper as it starts to heal. It’s also necessary to follow the Dermapen aftercare regimen, including avoiding direct sunlight and using mild moisturizers.

Mid-Term Changes: 1-2 Weeks Post-Treatment:

After four to ten days of the therapy, you should see an improvement in your skin’s texture and appearance. The healing process is ongoing, and the skin texture and tone might appear to be getting better slowly over time. This is when the skin needs to recuperate in order to get a better complexion and tone. Some itching or slight scaling may appear for some days; this is part of the skin renewal process.

Long-Term Results: 1 Month and Beyond:

After one month of Dermapen treatment, smoother and glowing skin can be expected, and improvements in skin texture and appearance can be observed. Muscle tone is regenerated, and collagen synthesis is at its most active; skin appears smoother and firmer. The final results can take several months to appear since the skin is continuously renewing itself during that period. This depends on the number of sessions you undergo, the aftercare you give your skin, and your skin type.

Dermapen Vs. Other Treatments:

It is helpful to compare the two to make an informed decision about selecting a skin treatment, Dermapen being one of them. Microneedling, a technique such as Dermapen, is also effective for skin texture enhancement and line reduction. It is usually safe and does not entail as much downtime as other vigorous therapies.

Care and Maintenance Tips for Optimal Results:

For better outcomes of Dermapen treatment, the following skincare regime should be observed before and after the process.

Recommended Products: Products with Oriental menus and containing components such as hyaluronic acid and peptides are calming. Some of these help keep the skin moist and promote healing. Sunscreen agents with an SPF of 15 or more should always be applied daily to prevent UV-induced pigmentation changes.

Products to Avoid: Try not to use products with highly active ingredients such as retinoids or glycolic acids, and avoid anything with alcohol because it may damage the skin.

General Skincare Advice: Cleanse and moisturize your skin regularly and avoid any attempts to scratch or contact the treated areas. Keep up a strict regimen and follow any further advice from your dermatologist on how to take care of your skin after the Dermapen treatment to increase its effectiveness and durability.

Cost of Dermapen Treatment in Islamabad:

The price for Dermapen treatment in Islamabad ranges between PKR 15,000 and PKR 25,000 for each session of individual therapy. However, it also depends on the clinic, the number of sessions, and the areas to be treated. Many of the clinics can give packages or special offers with multiple sessions so that prices can be lower.


We invite you to make an appointment with Dynamic Clinic PK to address your specific needs and find out if Dermapen will fit your skin needs. Our sustainable professionals can give an individual consultation about your skin and describe the further therapy plan in detail. Seeking advice from a professional will ensure that you make the right decision to opt for Dermapen and get the most out of the treatment.