Things Done After a Hair Transplant Procedure

So, you finally had the operation. Do you expect a scalp full of hair that seems to have been deducted at 10 or 20 years of your age? If so, I do not like to tell you that, but the desired result does not occur immediately after the surgery. There would always be a lot of swelling, and special directions and medications are given to help with the healing process. Here are some of the things you would expect after a Hair Transplant in Islamabad Pakistan.

Day after surgery:

There would be blood left in the transplanted area. For this reason, the client is asked to wash his scalp thoroughly. However, you must do it gently because there will always be some pain and numbness in the donor area.

Two to three days later:

Swelling and redness on the forehead may appear, but most of the crust will have disappeared from the transplanted area. Although donor numbness persists, the pain begins to subside.

Four to six days later:

In most cases, the swelling on the graft has disappeared. However, if the swelling persists, it can settle on the area of ​​the nose, eyes and cheeks. With regard to the donor zone, the formation of residual crusts can easily be eliminated under running water.

End of the first week:

Swelling and redness have usually disappeared in both the transplanted area and the donor area. The transplanted area began to develop as a week-old beard. Consult your doctor for follow-up.

Tenth day:

Follicle grafts on the transplanted area must be firmly in place. If crusts remain in this area, you can gently scrub them or wash them under running water. If stitches in the donor area are not removed at your first follow-up check, your Hair Specialist Islamabad may ask you to come back on the tenth day.

End of the second week:

You can now go back to the usual hygiene of your hair (shampoo and brushing) because the grafts are now in place. In addition, expect the grafted hair to begin to dissipate to give way to new hair growth. With regard to the donor area, sutures begin to be absorbed, and numbness is unlikely.

End of the third week:

You will experience a constant loss of transplanted hair. Do not worry because it’s normal. This indicates that new hair is on the way.

End of the first month:

Since the normal cycle of hair growth includes a resting phase, your new hair will be on this phase at the end of the first month following the surgery. You would look like your bald body again, but it will not belong.

Things Done After a Hair Transplant Procedure Pakistan

Two to five months after:

There will be new hair growing from the graft area. Initially, the new hair is very thin, but it will eventually improve over time.

Six to nine months after:

You will be happy to know that you can now start styling your hair because it has become longer and thicker. Although there are slight changes in texture, this only happens occasionally.

Tenth month:

Your doctor will see you at your second follow-up exam. Progress will be evaluated, and he/she will then evaluate if a second session is needed. You may have the second session during this time because the donor area has now been restored.

One year later:

You can now enjoy the final result of the first session of your hair transplant.

One to two years later:

Your hair is now longer, thicker and thicker. The transplanted area will now look normal, and all the signs of the procedure will be imperceptible.

